Wednesday, June 1, 2011

✿~A Thought of Me~♥

Been reading my old posts,
found out that i used to write my feelings here,
now that's getting lesser and lesser when click through newer posts...

★BLOG★ was the place for me to pour out sad things once,
is that implying that i'm happy now?
it should be~ ^^ XDXD

BUT i would doubt that i'm a happier person now,
since growing up means there are greater choices to make, more burden, more worries,
i felt like i'm getting more serious and pessimistic about everything...
i laugh lesser, joke lesser, being crazy lesser~
i missed the part of me laughing like insane...

I missed being YOUNG
i meant young as primary, secondary and then diploma...
when study aren't that tough,
when there're friends laughing and playing together,
not having much worries,
hanging out late in Penang would be the part i missed soooo much~

Now that i'm 22 years old,
not officially graduated as i still have 2 pending papers,
i started to feel the burden being the only daughter for my parents although i haven't really start working yet...
i've always having the burden in study,
they're always having great expectations on me,
i think it's probably because i have rather good results in primary and first year in diploma...

When i failed a paper in last semester and 2 papers in ACCA,
it was miserable~
i've lost my enthusiasm in study,
i love school life but i HATE EXAM LIFE~
i think noone likes exam though~ =p
i kept thinking that after all these years of study,
2 years in kindergarten
6 years in primary
5 years in secondary
2 years in diploma
2 years in advanced diploma
that would make it a total of 17 years of study,
i've taken so many exams that i think it would be uncountable now,
it makes me feel awful when it comes to EXAM,
or am i having this EXAM PHOBIA??? XD

Anyway, thanks for reading this,
i have to get back to reality and start studying AGAIN...
i have to convince myself every second that i LOVE P2 and P3 sooo much!!!


  1. try to love P2 and P3 like how u love hang ;P
    Jia you ah!! Nobody likes exam, but still we have to take it. Na men hor :p

  2. haha~ it's impossible to achieve that~ =p
    okok, i'll add more ron 97!!! but it's kinda expensive nowadays~ T.T
    ya lar, na men!! XD
